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Alexandra Deligiorgi,
De l’idée kantienne du sensus communis au dissensus des phrases des différends chez J.-Fr. Lyotard, p. 7
David Hoinski – Ron Polansky,
Aristotle on Beauty in Mathematics, p. 37
Iordanis Koumasidis,
From mass culture to networking speech From Frankfurt school to Foucault and Postmodern, p. 65
George Moraitis,
Liberty, Sovereignty, Property and their Materialistic Limits in Hobbes’ Leviathan, p. 81
Anthony Preus,
Aristotle’s Theory of Citizenship in Context, p. 115
Thomas Symeonidis,
Ethics or Aesthetics? Aesthetic form and the law of the other, p. 141
Elias Vavouras,
Five philosophical notes on Xenophon’s Hiero, p. 151
Dimitris Vardoulakis,
Freedom from the Free Will On Kafka’s Laughter, p. 169